12 April 2007

Mantua to Casalmaggiore to Picenza (via Cremona) to Genoa (via Pavia)

This has been a great three days.
Day one: Tuesday 10 April 115kms
It all started with a train trip from Modena to Mantua. A lovely quaint town on the shores of three lakes. Then I hit the cycle, found an awesome cheese factory and milking farm before finding a cycle path heading up the Po River.
AND my first encounter with other idiots doing the same thing as me. Unfortunately, they (independent of each other) where going in the other direction and I met them both within 15mins of each other.
I was going to stay overnight in Casalmaggiore, however, there wasn't really anywhere to stay and so on I carried to a place called Salarolo Monasterolo. After asking two lots of people if I could camp on their lawn, I encountered the BEST, the pot of gold!!!! I asked this 'nono' (grandfather) and after much deliberating with his daughter and wife, all in italian, they pointed me to their monastery just around the corner. See photos!!!!!!! AND THEN, they went and bought me a panini and 'acqua' for dinner!!!!!
Day two: Wednesday 11 April 100kms
So after being given dinner last night, the next thing, this girl comes along to make sure I was all okay in my little tent, and then asks me if she can interview me for the 'Cremona local chronicle' that she is a reporter for!!!! So at 9am, she turns up, takes my photo and is going to send me the article (in italian unfortunately). So off I trundle at 0930, got horribly lost and poor Princess did abit of off roading!!!! Went into Cremona for an hour or so, lovely place, huge flower market happening, then stopped at a place called Maccastorna for a breather. Well the lady at the shop, gave me an acqua, panini and apple!!!!!!!
I cannot get over the generosity of these people.
Day three: Thursday 12 April 72kms
On the road again, just can't wait to get back on the road again.
And onto Pavia I made it. Shorter day, one hour to look around Pavia (nice bustling place) before getting on the train to Genova. A nice italian spoke to me the whole way, he helped me get on and off the train and pointed out good places to go. However, what I didn't realise was that the Hostel was 5kms directly up hill on the arrival at the train station. Needless to say, great views of Genova, and a 45min walk.
Enjoy the photos.
Princess has been a 'trooper' - even with her slightly off-road work.
Temperatures have been about 10-13 deg at 8am to about 25 deg at 3pm - I'm a little tomato!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the photos kitey, keep em coming