23 April 2007

To Castel del Piano

Oh my goodness, Princess and I have spent some quality time together while I pushed!!!! Left Sienna on a aeaut morning after finally seeing deer 50m from me even though I have seen deer signs since leaving Venice. Maxxive climb into Montalcino at 567m then up and down into Castel del Piano at 637m. Some random guy with no teeth and old bought me a cappucino 8km short of Castel del Piano, felt sorry for me!!! Meet a couple from Tasmaniz who are 3rd day into their cycling Italy tour. Once agian, their next day was the day I had just done and my next day was what they had come from!!! Also meet a great Italian couple from Bolzano region so we had dinner and vino!!!!!! It was a hard 80km with over 30 deg temp!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great to read you are feeding yourself well albeit thanks to others' generosity. Sounds like you are really enjoying yourself and am really enjoying your daily snippets. Dad

Unknown said...

Trust you to look a gift horse in the mouth!
Like in the fairytale, if you had kissed him he'd have turned in to a handsome prince and swept you away to his castle!!