07 April 2007


06 April 79kms
Ravenaa to Rimini
Beaut day, 9 degree to 20 degree
About 40km out of Rimini I hit the Adriatic Coast and just bicycled down. About 20km out of Rimini starts the 'touristy' Rimini - reminded me of Miami, Florida broadwalk, restaurant followed by restaurant followed by hotel and hotels and tourist gimicky shops!!!!! Rimini is great, tourist town, with a Frisbee International Competition happening!!!!! Brilliant hostel, met Americans, Aussies, Canadians!!!!! This place is all tourists, it must shut down in Winter!

Finally had day off on 07 April so what do I do ....
Went for a 30min run (man that hurt as done no running for a while, luckily it was flat!) and then went for a 55km bike ride up towards San Marino!!!

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