05 April 2007

Trento - Rovereto - Padua - Ferrara

01 April
Trento - Bolzano (train) - Rovereto 96kms, nice balmy weather
Up bright and early and onto the train to Bolzano, then hit the cycle paths down the Adige River, awesome bike path, once I found it. Saw heaps of cyclists, mainly on road bikes doing day trips, obviously much faster than me!!!!!!!!!! And mainly due to it being a sunday. The ride took me back through Trento and then on to Rovereto. Rovereto appeared really Austrian and sporty. As it was a Sunday, most shops were closed but heaps of people walking round eating gelatos!!!!!!!!!!!!

02 April
Rovereto to Verona and train to Padua - 79kms
Weather beautiful, started off about 5 degrees and by the time I reached Verona was about 20 degrees
Great cycle path from Rovereto for about 40km, then a state road, still following the River Adige half the way to Verona. Arrived Verona at 1330 and thought, 'well havenàt booked accommodation' so got on the train to Padua and arrived at 1530. This weird guy befriended me on the train and by the time I left him in Padua he had given me his card and said I could stay with him and his family ?? in Verona if I went back - yeah right!!!! Padua was quite weird. BIG university town, cobbled and hard to get oneàs orientation.

03 April
Padua to Ferrara - 91 kms
Weather beautiful but I was told it was due to rain in the afternoon, started off about 9 degrees and got to about 24 degrees
Once again, random track out of Padua through Abono Terme and Montegrotto, then I follwed the Canal Battaglia (another cycle path for a small distance) to Rovigo. Was going to train but 3hours early so carried on to Polesella where I found a cycle path along Po Destra River. However, here I was befriended by Pacla - a 40ish old lady who took me to her home town about 10km from Ferrara and bought me a Piadina (a flat bread toasted with cheese and jam (which is actually bacon like) and spicy sauce - superb!!!!!!!) Plus she bought me an espresso!!!!! Couldnàt believe it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved the italian story.... Are there any photos you could post?
Kathy and Gabe