06 April 2007

Ferrara to Commachio / Lido del Scacchi

04 April
Ferrara to Commachio - Lido de Sccahi - 65kms
From the claustrophobic hills to the Adriatic Coast (or Gulf of Venice)
Cold, rainy weather and an easterly. Guess the direction I was heading, due East!!!!!!!! Nice ride (well it would of been) through poplar trees before hitting wetlands with a few herons. The Commachio region is a huge bird watching region. Commachio itself is a sleepy little town. Went to a museum on EELS!!! WHAT THE. It was all in italian anyway!!! Then 8km out to the Lido del Scacchi where there was no accommodation so it was my first nite camping in the little one man. Nice campground. They do campgrounds quite different here, massive, with mobile homes, bungalows, sites, caravans, swimming pools, mercato (market or superette!!), pizzeria/bar, and disco floor!!!!!!! Went for a 1 hour walk along the beach.

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