28 April 2007


Well both Princess and myself have suffered injuries in the last 4 days. First of all I rode off the road, and ended up having to jump off the bike to remain upright, which meant I had one pedal take my shin out. Then some drunken yobbo's decided to not be nice to Princess last night, and bend my back tyre slightly. So it was a quick trip to the Rome bike shop man, who was very nice, charged me 5 euro and made Princess all good again.

Me in front of the bike shop.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy. Glad Princess is taking the punishment and not you. Great photos. You must be very active in asking people to take your photo all the time. Dad

Margie said...

Hey Tracy,
I have decided to dedicate one of the music tracks I'm using at the moment, to you. It's called "Hang on Little Tomato" by a group called Pink Martini. |In my mind I picture a very sunburnt person leaping from their bike!! (don't do it too often). Hang in there!