04 September 2007


Things I will miss about Germany:
- great cycle paths, nearly as good as Switzerland, but you do need your wits about you so as not to end up on the B9!
- HI Hostels everywhere, very convenient, but wee bit expensive at times
- meeting all the cyclists along the Rhein and Moselle
- Rudesheim to Koblenz and Moselle - filled with vineyards and castles
- Bratwurst and Sauerkraut!!!- The people

Things I wonät miss about Germany:
- weather

Total Distance in Germany:

+ 10.8kms when getting from Luxembourg to France!!!!

I was pleasantly surprised about Germany and would of loved to see more as I only saw South and West.

+ 25.7kms from Saarbrucken!!!!!!

Total: 1351.0kms

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