29 September 2007


Sorry, just realised that I haven't updated the distance counter for the last 2 weeks or so......


Lausanne is quite an amazing city, built on a hill, with an amazing Gothic Cathedral, views of Lac Geneve and the Alps beyond.

Off road cycling

Well, I found more cycle paths not suited to poor Princess and at one stage I got VERY angry!!! But at least it wasnàt raining like the last 3 days, just a head wind!!!!!
Above, some of the better paths, which took me right into the farmers houses!!!
However, we did have a wee little prob with Princess and a 'knocking' noise just out of Bern. After stopping and investigating, and then having no idea, 2 semi elderly men also stopped, conversed, then one said 'follow me' and off I followed him in his car at some ridiculous speed back up the road to a very conveniently located bike shop (less than 5kms away), where after one hour, Princess was back up and running with new ballbearings and nut in the back tyre!!!

27 September 2007


Cobbled streets, UNESCO sites, hills, rivers, etc etc etc ... Sandstone buildings and wicked shops off the main street down into the cellars. Bern was a nice capital city, even with rain ....
Above left, the Zytglogge, a focal point of Bern whose figures revolve 4 mins before the hour. The clock tower assisted Albert Einstein with his theory of relativity.

Above, the Aare river which runs through Bern.

Rain and the Alps

Well I made it over the lowest part of the Alps, but with less than 100m vis in some areas, a track that was more suited to a mountain bike than poor Princess, thermals and rain, rain and rain and minus 100 deg with warm snot running down my face!! Unfortunately, I think if the weather had been nice, it would of been spectacular views. Needless to say, Interlaken and its surrounding Alps and snow were not seen!!! But the water of Lake Brienzersee was an amazing colour.

Switzerland Cycle Paths

Switzerland has probably one of the best cycling routes I have found, and in theory with all the signs, one shouldnät get lost!!!

24 September 2007

Säntis Berg Again ....

The cable car up the Berg.


Left, views of Switzerland, alps of Swiss, France and Italy. Right, looking towards Austria.

Another superb day spent with Henning, Waltraud, Heidrun and Christa. This time we went to Mount Säntis Berg, about 1 hour from Rorschach and at 2503m we caught the cable car up to the top. Splendid views of 6 countries, about 8 degrees, and we even saw wild Steinbock roaming around.


Wow, we had an awesome day up Mt Pilatus, first a 90min boat ride on Lake Lucerne, then the steepest cog railway up to Mt Pilatus at 2321m, then 2 different cable cars down. Stunning 360 degree views of Switzerland. Above left, heaps of paragliding from the summit and on the right of the picture is a man playing a massive Alphorn (much bigger than me - which isnät hard!!). Right, Mt Pilatus with Luzern in the foreground.
Luzern below and the Kapellbrücke.
Lake Luzern and the Alps
The cog rail trip up - 48 degree incline!!!


What the!!! Above left, Vermicelle, Switzerlands specialty dessert!!! Finally, a dessert I am not keen on!! Right, Mt Pilatus sunbathing!!! Below, I have become use to the cows and sheep all having bells around their necks, it was a first experience for Shelley.


Shelley and I were quite surprised by Zurich, it was gorgeous around the lake, and we even did a 90min boat ride around a portion of it, combined then with lunch of a bratwürst (!!!!). Above, Shelley with the Grossmünster and lunch, and below, Lake Zurich.

20 September 2007


2 things happened to me today which I laughed at.

1st: A Swiss lady sat down beside me at lunch in some random town (actually it does have a name - Olten) and as she was a keen cyclist we chatted away, with her leaving me a bar of Lindt (my favourite) chocolate - just what I need, add another 3kg to the already expanded waistline.

2nd: Whilst doing the touritz thing in Sofingen (and it only takes about 10mins), I heard a cry and looked to see an old lady fall over on the cobblestone street. Well being the first one there, it was rather difficult as she spoke not a trace of engligh (and was still in a state of shock) and I spoke not a trace of German cept DANKE.

Basel - Switzerland

I really like Basel, it has a real cultural feel about it. I gave myself a day off to explore. Luckily for me, it was the day it was raining, but as the Hostel had given me a 'mobility ticket' for use on all public transports around the city, I trammed and bused all day to look around. The tram is in the picture of the Spalentor.

And another different experience, I had to relieve myself at the train station, which involved in theorz crossing over to Germany. On the way back, thez demanded my passport and then spent 5 mins on the phone checking it out ....


Distance thus far in France: 869.9kms

What I will miss about France:

- the cakes ....

What I am not going to miss:

- pillows in the Hostels

- some of the grumpy locals especiallz when I nod to their question 'tourist' and I reply 'yes' and they turn away ...

- Youth Hostel International France breakfasts, but shouldnät complain, at least I get one...

16 September 2007

It is Autumn

Enroute to Colmar and this was some of the awesome scenery on a brilliant Hawkes Bay day!!!


Wow, another awesome little city, huge wine region, and the city is over canals which makes it very picturesque with all the flowers and half timbered houses.

15 September 2007


This is one of those good ol' French ads for Adidas, but using the NZ All Blacks ......

Strasbourgh again!!!

I managed to go to Strasbourgh on a National Heritage day which meant free entry to the Notre Dame Cathedral, with great views over Strasbourgh.


Wow, arent I a geek. The La Patrouille de France were practising for an Heli Air Shoz in Phalsbourgh when I arrived, at an ex USA base which is now used by the French Army. They were expecting 1000 000 attendance and aircraft from all over Europe, not NZ!!!!!

I found ANOTHER Canal

Getting good at finding these, makes the cycling easier!! This time between Phalsbourg and Saverne, in a place called Lutzelbourg.

13 September 2007

Saärbrucken - Germany AGAIN

WOW, isnät my photography getting good, I can even transpose information to my pictures!!!!! The Ludwigskirche above is apparently considered one of the most stylistically and aesthetically perfect protestant Baroque Churches in Germany.

Me at the Schloss and Saäarbrucken in the background.

The Rathaus St Johann, a neo-gothic twon hall with a 54m tower.

Metz by Night

Metz Cathedral by night, and me!