14 May 2007

WICKED Sorrento with Shelley and Bogs

I have a million photos, but I have just chosen a couple to put on the blog. Had an awesome 3-4 days with Shelley and Bogs. Met them in Sorrento and did we relax or DID WE relax!
We spent Saturday going over to Amalfi Coast, hired a boat from Amalfi (40hp little boat) and went around the coastline to Positano. On Sunday we went over to Capri, hired another boat(25hp little boat) and circumnavigated Capri Island. The water was beautiful (except for a few jelly fish), the weather gorgeous (mid 25's at least), the food delicious (especially the 'caprese' insulata), the coffees !!!!! and the company - best in the world!!
HUGE BIG hugs and thanks to Shelley and Bogs for coming over to see me in Italy, bringing me gifts (UK and even from NZ - thanks Mum, Margie and Katy) and giving me Kiwi company. Rock on September/October, Kenya (!!!) and March!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cann't see Kenya anywhere in your itinerary????? Or is it about to be updated?