01 May 2007

Baschi Camp Ground

Today I trained to Orte and then cycled through Amelia to Baschi. the weather turned bad!!!!! But I found a camp site beside Lago di Corbara (beautiful cycle if the view hadnàt been rain but it really reminded me of NZ). At the camp site, I met a great couple from Holland and they invited me to dinner in their camper which was AWESOME. The whole BCF sponsorship is very close to home to them too. SO A HUGE thank you to Els, John and Quinta. Will be great to catch up with you all again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracy you are a real character. Do you ever eat your own meals but seriously it is great that you are meeeting so many peole and obviously enjoying yourself. You had not intended going to Holland but has there been a change of plans or are you thinking of after Paris? The Dutch are lovely people and I hear the country is very good for cycling, essentially all flat except for one hill! Dad