18 May 2007

Taranto - S Maria di Leuca - Lecce - Brindisi

Hey all
Well, 320km in 3 days, WHAT THE!!!!
The train from Napoli to Taranto was realy pretty (once I had left the suburbs of Naples!) and really reminded me of NZ and the gorges and rivers (albeit with a creepy guy in the train for half the trip and getting into Taranto at 2130 - thatàs 9.30pm).
I stupidly enough got to Gallipoli at 2pm so decided to push on to S Maria di Leuca - not the brightest idea for 160km but oh well. Awesome beaches down the coast.
The next day it S Maria di Leuca to Lecce - I reckon the coast line S Maria di Leuca to Otranto is one of the best I have seen (along with Amalfi and Cinque Terre). Absolutely loved the ride, apart from the throbbing knee!!!! Unfortunately, I hit rain after this so when making it to Lecce it was a case of camping for $13 Euro or dorm for $15 Euro, guess what I took!!!!
I have struggled going back to travelling by myself, especially as the southern part is like a ghost town as it is really a summer region. However ...
I have met some awesome people, giving me lifts to the supermarket from the campground in S Maria di Leuca, awesome hospitality in Taranto, Yoga in Lecce and now Maurizio and his friends in Brindisi. He is soooo in support of what I am doing for NZ Breast Cancer that he has organised this free internet at the Internet Point at Tetris in Brindisi and dinner tonight.
HUGE Thank You Maurizio. His Hostel is awesome and I have put a link to it on my webpage.

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