05 June 2007


Korcula at night from the Marina that we have accommodation!!!! We even met 6 (verz older) guzs from UK who invited us for a cuppa tea in the morning (and chocolate biscuits)!!!
This is mz turning around point on mz Korcula daz ride - convenientlz I found this vinezard!!!!!
Korcula streets!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy, Sometimes Aussies friends can be really nice! It so great that you have got some riding companions and you are enjoying Croatia despite the drivers, and ferry costs - sound very much like Fullers Ferry and charging to take a dog across to Waiheke - at least they dont charge for a bike! But what else would you suspect when your sidekick is called Princess Deloras! Love You Dad

Anonymous said...

Looking totally at home at that turnaround point and very relaxed, sounds like you are having a good time there. Love Mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy, Coastal Croatia looks wonderful but I hope you arent planning on going much further east. Are you getting the real news like who won the Louis Vuitton Cup, or dancing with the stars!, or the rugby. The crusaders arent doing too well. Maybe they will need some of your three in one oil. Am enjoying your blogg. Trevor K

KatyPye said...

Hey Girl!
Sooooo awesome to catch you the other day! Can't believe you are in Korchula without me...... waaaaa not fair. I forgot to tell you to keep an eye out for Dalmatian dogs now that you are in Dalmatia! Love the photos as always :-) You are such a dag.
Bye geek xox
PS Yay for Team New Zealand!

Anonymous said...

I hope Princess Delores is not having to climb too many steps! Good that you have some temporary cycling mates. The Aussies aren't too bad - really! Enjoy all the lovely islands - shame about Princess' fares. Love, Susan

Anonymous said...

Finally the Tracy we all know and love .. them foreigners couldn't expect to hide all their wineries from you. You deserve a wine by this stage. Keep on keeping on ...