18 June 2007

Cres - mainland - Labin/Rabac - Pula

Hi All
Just a quick one from Pula. Unfortunatelz I am unable to post anz pictures as have had a mishap with camera which I am in the midst of sorting. Had some great pictures once back on the road of Cres and the town Cres, mainland, Rabac and Pula. Once again, pictures of the second drawbridge which was manually rotated by a man each morning and evening!!!! Cres was verz hillz!!!!!! And the mainland even more so once I had crossed bz mz last ferrz ride. There was a photo of the 20 deg incline I had to push Princess up (4.5km!!). Great ride into Labin and then into a camp ground in Rabac - a real nice but touristz beach side town. Funnz, was trzing to find a site for the evening and started talking to a couple from Holland who had seen me two previous times cycling mz little heart out, once down Dubrovnik waz and the other time thez couldnćt remember!!! Funnz how third time, I finallz talked to them. Had a great picture of them, however, that cannot be posted now either. Enroute to Labin, I hit the 1000km in Croatia mark, and in under 3 weeks. Todaz, it was back on the road and into Pula - nice ride, through countryside that reminded me of Vietnam or Cambodia (not that I have been there!!!!) and Tuscany (grape vines - thez reckon that internal Istria is the NEW Tuscany). Had to have Princess relooked at, as had the same problem with the back tyre not being 'true'. Fingers crossed though, she is all good now.

Must dash, have to sort out the camera / insurance etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, what has happened to the camera - it has either been dropped on the ground/into water, lost or stolen.... oh dear, hope you can sort that one out - I know exactly how you feel. Will watch your space and hopefully some pikkies will soon appear.
Love, Susan