21 August 2007


Rudesheim was a quaint little tourist town with a famous Drosselgasse (street) and a Seilbahn Cable railway to the Niederwald Monument (famous for the introduction of Germany) and great views down the River Rhein and over all those vineyards!!!
Above the monument and me with Christa and Heidrun.
Above and below, the vineyards and River Rhein.
Right, me in the famous touristy (with heaps of Americans and Japanese!) Drosselgasse street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been in touch - Have just returned home after 6 wks away. Only managed to check you out a couple of times. Am right up to date now, have even checked the updated map with Mum. Princess looks very relaxed after her holiday under "wraps"! Enjoy your pedalling and all the gastronomic delights in Germany. Love, Susan