07 August 2007

The Bernina Glaciers – Sat 4 August

Henning, me, Tamara and Marc

Crossing the glacier.

Up the top of Biz Diovelezza, and the reflective glass window.

WOW – what a day. Early start, we drove to Morteratsch (50mins), and only 1.5 degrees, with Henning, Waltraud, Marc (Henning and Waltrauds son) and Tamara, a friend. From here we caught the train and a cable car to a place called Diavolezza, at 2973m, our start point. 5 hours later we could still see the start point but had crossed 2 glaciers and were sitting at a café (2495m) having a Rösti (massive hash brown) and a beer!!!!! 2 hours walk later we were down the glacier and back at the car. SUPERB!!

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