21 August 2007

Frankfurt Hospitality

I stayed with Waltruads sister Heidrun and her friend Christa in Frankfurt. They spoilt me rotten. Had a brilliant time. In 2 days managed to see Frankfurt from the Main Tower at 191m (55 floors), by boat down the River Main, by bike, by train and on foot. I ate my first German meal of Rippchen mit Kraut (pork with Sauerdraut), 5 Verschiedene (bratwurst sausages) mit sauerkraut and bratkartoffeln, Grune Sobe mit Eiern (Green sauce with eggs) and all dranken with (Wir tranken) Sauer Gespritzten (apple wein with water)!!! I loved Frankfurt, really nice vibe about it.

Heidrun, myself and Christa with the River Main in the background, and myself in the Town Hall.

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