10 July 2007

The first 2 big days - Wein to Linz

Well I have covered 240kms in 2 days (day 1 125kms, day 2 115kms), with rain and wind, AND a flat tyre. Needless to say one was a little tested today, definitely no camping tonight!!!!I This is LINZ , the sun came out as I arrived!! Lucky for me too, 3 Japanese cyclists stopped and helped me with my bike. There are cyclists all down (note DOWN) the Danube (not Tracys UP!!).


Anonymous said...

Hi tracy

Colin here.

You're going well girl. You have biked further than me in one hit. Are you surviving ok and not losing too much weight, not that you needed to loose any anyway. You seen to be enjoying your self. Are you hooked on cycling as a means of seeing a country yet, and I know that I will ask you if you would do it again when you get home. All the best and keep safe and hay how many times has someone said to you "gee you must be fit"!!


Colin L

Anonymous said...

Hey Ginge

So you're saying water flows downhill in the Northern Hemisphere? Amazing! Next you'll be telling us it goes down the plughole a different way...

Nice work on the 6K, keep it up. Hopefully catch up with you in the UK, might even buy you a beer!

AWO sends