30 July 2007

Back to Switzerland

Well, I have had my 10 days R and R. Unfortunately, the England weather wasn't kind to me (as you would of seen on all the news) and we had a lot of rain - but at least we didn't get the flooding that other parts of England have had - and I managed to relax so much that I caught a dreadful case of the flu and spent a couple of days wrapped up on the couch drinking lemon drinks with no voice - NOW THAT WAS hard!! Typical though, sun is out today and I fly out!

Awesome seeing my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin (had a relaxing bicycle ride yesteray, the good ol' pork roast, a Nepalese curry and also a visit to Windsor which I still love) and catching up with Shelley and Brett (and a good ol' bbq plus the normal Friday night drinks!).

I am back off to Switzerland today to go walking in the Swiss mountains (who's jealous about that one!) before getting back on to Princess and heading up the River Rhein to Koln. I only have 2 1/2 more months to pack everything in. Catching up with Shelley in September in Zurich and Lucerne and then Heidi, Shaun and Maia in southern France. Then its a Safari tour on my return to London, and a wedding in Braemar before heading back to summer in NZ and work on 3 December - now that will be a shock.

Back to realism eh!

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