31 March 2007

Venice - Treviso - Bassano del Grappa - Trento

29 March
Venice - Treviso: cloudy day
Whilst only a shorter day, 43km, I wanted to make sure that one could bike with all gear on - I could!!!!! So it was off I went at 9am down the Fiume Sile canal and at times using the roads through little Italian towns. Neat little ride and I made it into Treviso by lunchtime. In the afternoon I walked into town. Treviso rises from water and therefore has all these little interweaving watercourses and canels. Th old town has striking architecture, cobbled roads and footpaths and a wall that surrounds the entire town. It reminds me of York in a way. I stayed in a B&B which doesn`t look too bad, will need to eat heaps of breakfast to make up for the extra Euro!!! The only other thing about Treviso is that everyone looks at me funny - suppose that`s cause they are all bundled up with the bitter weather and I am walking around in shorts, hiking boots, t-shirt and a thermal top!!!!! It is a very chic town and I have been told that it is one of the wealthier areas here!!!

30 March
Treviso - Bassano del Grappa 66km, beautiful day about 10-14 degrees
Starting at 0730, but found that i was trying to use the Autostrada - a big NO. Got horribly lost in Bassano but finally found the place to find that the people (Jonnie, Roberta and MAMA who can't hear and doesn't understand that I can't speak Italian) do NOT speak english at all - however, they gave me a lunch (crumbed chicken and potato/tomato dish) and dinner (the bestest spaghetti in the world, home made!!!) which was great and a nice room. It started to rain about 20km out and didn't stopped, oh dear. Bassano del Grappa was very quiet!!!!!! First fall today at a round-about, nobody saw!!! ONE MUST purchase a Italian-English dictionary!

31 March
Bassano del Grappa - Trento 62km, Sh*t day between 1-5 degrees
Just about didn't bike today due to it pissing down overnight/yesterday/today. However, only drizzle when I started so I thought **** it!!!! (it is for breast cancer) and away I went. AND am I glad I did. Whilst wet, cold, windy and snow was up in the hills, it was very picturesque and I think on a beautiful day, it would of been superb. Trained from Borgo to Trento. Only one fall today, outside a pub with people viewing!


Anonymous said...

nice hat! You look like one of the Star Wars characters in Return of the Jedi!!

Glad to see princess is looking after you. You'll have to stop going to pubs if you keep falling off though.

Unknown said...

Nice work chicky, Venice loooks great cant wait to get there. You certainly have tackled the first couple of legs of the journey in true Tracy style... like at bull at a gate! S and M

Anonymous said...

Tracy on tour - walk into pub, walk out of pub, fall over ... somethings never change. Like ya cutesy hat.