31 March 2007

Venice - Treviso - Bassano del Grappa - Trento

29 March
Venice - Treviso: cloudy day
Whilst only a shorter day, 43km, I wanted to make sure that one could bike with all gear on - I could!!!!! So it was off I went at 9am down the Fiume Sile canal and at times using the roads through little Italian towns. Neat little ride and I made it into Treviso by lunchtime. In the afternoon I walked into town. Treviso rises from water and therefore has all these little interweaving watercourses and canels. Th old town has striking architecture, cobbled roads and footpaths and a wall that surrounds the entire town. It reminds me of York in a way. I stayed in a B&B which doesn`t look too bad, will need to eat heaps of breakfast to make up for the extra Euro!!! The only other thing about Treviso is that everyone looks at me funny - suppose that`s cause they are all bundled up with the bitter weather and I am walking around in shorts, hiking boots, t-shirt and a thermal top!!!!! It is a very chic town and I have been told that it is one of the wealthier areas here!!!

30 March
Treviso - Bassano del Grappa 66km, beautiful day about 10-14 degrees
Starting at 0730, but found that i was trying to use the Autostrada - a big NO. Got horribly lost in Bassano but finally found the place to find that the people (Jonnie, Roberta and MAMA who can't hear and doesn't understand that I can't speak Italian) do NOT speak english at all - however, they gave me a lunch (crumbed chicken and potato/tomato dish) and dinner (the bestest spaghetti in the world, home made!!!) which was great and a nice room. It started to rain about 20km out and didn't stopped, oh dear. Bassano del Grappa was very quiet!!!!!! First fall today at a round-about, nobody saw!!! ONE MUST purchase a Italian-English dictionary!

31 March
Bassano del Grappa - Trento 62km, Sh*t day between 1-5 degrees
Just about didn't bike today due to it pissing down overnight/yesterday/today. However, only drizzle when I started so I thought **** it!!!! (it is for breast cancer) and away I went. AND am I glad I did. Whilst wet, cold, windy and snow was up in the hills, it was very picturesque and I think on a beautiful day, it would of been superb. Trained from Borgo to Trento. Only one fall today, outside a pub with people viewing!

Oops - Wasn't actually allowed on this bit!

Princess Delores First Train Ride and Enroute to Borgo

Enroute to Borgo - Fiume Brente

30 March 2007

Jonnie, Roberta, MAMA

Dinner in Bassano del Grappa - They don't speak English, I DON'T speak Italian, and MAMA is deaf and keeps pinching my face and arms and saying funny things!!!!

Enroute to Bassano del Grappa

The bike path to Bassano del Grappa (well some of it) that I found.
Blink and you will miss the next sign though as there is only one warning!!!!

29 March 2007


Treviso - an awesome little city (apparently very wealthy) but an historic place. These water mills were still working and directing the water through all the wee little streams. Treviso sits ontop of all these streams.

The Bike Path Venice to Treviso

Princess Delores

Princess Delores all kitted up outside the 'Portacom' hotel (!) in Venice.
Princess Delores bum vision beside a friend!

28 March 2007

Three days in Venice ....

Day One of Italy:
I arrived on Monday at Venice and had bike out and made up within 60mins (with numerous stares from people!!). My accommodation, a portacom at a campground, was less than 5km from the airport and about 40mins bus from Venice itself. Whilst it would of been nice to have stayed in Venice, taking a bike there (with numerous stairs to climb over the canal) would of been a right pain in the butt!!! Plus, I have a quick escape from here on Thursday morning. The only other bummer about the campground is that at this time of the year, there is limited people staying here.

Day Two of Italy:
Caught the bus to Venice and from about 0930 until about 1800 (6pm) I walked the sites of Venice. The weather was cold and it rained on/off lightly but cleared up in the afternoon. I love Venice though, with all its little side walks and patisseries (spelt wrong!) with wicked looking chocolates!!!

I was very surprised at the amount of teenage kids walking around. There were NO toilet seats!!! I got an Espresso and not to my surprise it was in the smallest cup known to mankind - one needs to ask for a Latte in future!!!! I had an interesting conversation with an Italian man who could not speak English, me who cannot speak Italian - he showed me around the Rialto Market and then kissed both my cheeks before heading off!!!

Day Three of Italy:
One forgets that one is a morning person and when I arrived in Murano, the island of glass blowing/making, at 0915 sharp one was reminded that Venice is not really awake until at least 1000!!!! But it gave me a chance to walk around and have a nosey. I could of spent all day there, the glass pieces were AMAZING but EXPENSIVE, and heavy!!!!
When I figured that my 1315 water bus wasn't coming, plus I had been told that my ticket wasn't valid (which it was as I darn well paid for it), I jumped on the next public water vaporetto and took in the sites of Venice from the water, without buying another ticket. One had a moment of petrification when I heard the man walking around all the people on the water bus asking for their tickets. I just promptly ignored him and he didn't ask me!!!!!!
When I got back to the campground I found an imposter in my room. I have a room mate, someone to talk to.... poor girl!!!!

Overall, Venice has been great. I would love to come back with heaps of money and alot more ability to carry heavy items, actually any items!!!! Apart from one other moment of petrification when one thought she had lost her passport, all things appear to be tickety-boo. I had to keep reminding myself that one didn't need to try every flavour of Gelato icecream or taste every piece of pizza or chocolate/pastry from the pasticceria.
So it's off tomorrow......

More Venice Water Shots

Me and Basilica di S Marco in the background, a Water Taxi and a Water Bus!!!!!!! I went for the cheaper option.

Venetian masks ...

Luckily I didn't have room to carry one of these!!!! Might have picked up though eh!

Murano Glass Blowing/Making Experience

Glass Blowing friend ....
Some of the Glass .....
Me in front of a Glass tree ....

27 March 2007

Some Venice Shots - Piazza S Marco Square ...

......................Gondola in a Venice Canal

.....................View from Bell Tower in Piazza S Marco

Venice Canals

En-route and Arrival in Venice

26 March 2007

Gatwick Airport

25 March 2007


'Dirt on 'Princess'!'

'Draw Bridge' on Stratford-Upon-Avon

For 5 SQN

'Narrow Boats'!!

Stratford-Upon-Avon Canal

Cycling down the Stratford-Upon-Avon canal, it was fascinating watching all the narrow (canal) boats making their way up and down (aren't I a geek!).

Birmingham Outing

Margie, Brian and Paul showing off the first outing for 'Princess' - off to Birmingham.

23 March 2007

Tracy and Gazza are proud to welcome ....

'Princess' (Delores) to our family!

22 March 2007

The Purchase

21 March 2007

My first pub lunch in UK in 2007!!!

WICKED, I love the UK ways here, pint at lunch, pint after work, pint after dinner, all at your local!!
However, this was down on the Southern Coast at a place called Dell Quay just out of ChiChester. Great day, but wee bit cold, needless to say why I was wearing thermals, t-shirt, jumper, jacket, gloves, hat, scarf and ear-warmers. SPRING eh?!!!!

19 March 2007

Tracy and London

WINTA in Trafalgar Square, Big Ben (aka Uncle Ben)

Hong Kong Piccies

See Maren up the Peak in Hong Kong with a view over Hong Kong (really that is Hong Kong behind her).

Tracy and Hong Kong

I made it to Hong Kong, and lucky for me, Marenstzky was there to pick me up - lucky as I didn't know a contact number or address for her. Caught up with the ex 5 SQN boys and saw the sites (literally) of Hong Kong, albeit it in weird weather and felling slightly unwell one day!!!!

14 March 2007

Very Exciting